Vanguard Intermediate-Term Bond ETF (NYSEARCA:BIV) Sets New 1-Year High at $78.89

Vanguard Intermediate-Term Bond ETF (NYSEARCA:BIVGet Free Report)’s stock price reached a new 52-week high during mid-day trading on Tuesday . The stock traded as high as $78.89 and last traded at $78.89, with a volume of 8709 shares traded. The stock had previously closed at $78.84.

Vanguard Intermediate-Term Bond ETF Trading Down 0.2 %

The company has a fifty day moving average of $77.05 and a 200 day moving average of $75.44.

Institutional Trading of Vanguard Intermediate-Term Bond ETF

Institutional investors have recently added to or reduced their stakes in the business. Salomon & Ludwin LLC bought a new stake in Vanguard Intermediate-Term Bond ETF in the first quarter valued at $25,000. FAS Wealth Partners Inc. acquired a new stake in shares of Vanguard Intermediate-Term Bond ETF in the 2nd quarter valued at about $28,000. Financial Connections Group Inc. bought a new position in shares of Vanguard Intermediate-Term Bond ETF in the 2nd quarter valued at about $38,000. United Advisor Group LLC acquired a new position in shares of Vanguard Intermediate-Term Bond ETF during the 4th quarter worth about $40,000. Finally, American National Bank lifted its holdings in Vanguard Intermediate-Term Bond ETF by 616.0% during the 1st quarter. American National Bank now owns 537 shares of the company’s stock valued at $40,000 after purchasing an additional 462 shares during the last quarter.

Vanguard Intermediate-Term Bond ETF Company Profile

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Vanguard Intermediate-Term Bond ETF (the Fund) seeks to track the performance of a market-weighted bond index with an intermediate-term, dollar-weighted average maturity. The Fund employs a passive management or indexing strategy designed to track the performance of the Barclays Capital U.S. 5-10 Year Government/Credit Bond Index (the Index).

Further Reading

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