Short Interest in VanEck Fallen Angel High Yield Bond ETF (NASDAQ:ANGL) Expands By 69.5%

VanEck Fallen Angel High Yield Bond ETF (NASDAQ:ANGLGet Free Report) was the target of a significant growth in short interest during the month of October. As of October 31st, there was short interest totalling 584,800 shares, a growth of 69.5% from the October 15th total of 345,000 shares. Based on an average daily volume of 760,300 shares, the days-to-cover ratio is presently 0.8 days.

VanEck Fallen Angel High Yield Bond ETF Stock Down 0.1 %

NASDAQ ANGL traded down $0.02 during trading hours on Friday, hitting $28.91. 184,066 shares of the company were exchanged, compared to its average volume of 1,006,081. VanEck Fallen Angel High Yield Bond ETF has a 52 week low of $26.98 and a 52 week high of $29.47. The stock has a market cap of $3.04 billion, a PE ratio of 0.48 and a beta of 0.52. The stock has a 50-day moving average price of $29.12 and a 200 day moving average price of $28.82.

VanEck Fallen Angel High Yield Bond ETF Cuts Dividend

The company also recently declared a monthly dividend, which was paid on Wednesday, November 6th. Shareholders of record on Friday, November 1st were paid a dividend of $0.1568 per share. The ex-dividend date was Friday, November 1st. This represents a $1.88 annualized dividend and a yield of 6.51%.

Institutional Investors Weigh In On VanEck Fallen Angel High Yield Bond ETF

Institutional investors have recently modified their holdings of the business. Mosaic Family Wealth Partners LLC raised its position in shares of VanEck Fallen Angel High Yield Bond ETF by 1.1% in the first quarter. Mosaic Family Wealth Partners LLC now owns 139,968 shares of the company’s stock valued at $4,062,000 after buying an additional 1,475 shares during the last quarter. CreativeOne Wealth LLC acquired a new stake in shares of VanEck Fallen Angel High Yield Bond ETF in the first quarter valued at $225,000. Bank of Montreal Can grew its holdings in shares of VanEck Fallen Angel High Yield Bond ETF by 482.2% in the second quarter. Bank of Montreal Can now owns 541,407 shares of the company’s stock valued at $15,463,000 after purchasing an additional 448,415 shares in the last quarter. Heritage Oak Wealth Advisors LLC purchased a new stake in shares of VanEck Fallen Angel High Yield Bond ETF during the second quarter worth approximately $274,000. Finally, Peak Financial Advisors LLC acquired a new stake in shares of VanEck Fallen Angel High Yield Bond ETF during the 3rd quarter worth about $5,888,000.

VanEck Fallen Angel High Yield Bond ETF Company Profile

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The VanEck Fallen Angel High Yield Bond ETF (ANGL) is an exchange-traded fund that mostly invests in high yield fixed income. The fund tracks a market-value-weighted index of bonds that were rated investment grade at issuance but later downgraded to sub-investment grade. ANGL was launched on Apr 10, 2012 and is managed by VanEck.

Further Reading

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